










朱展云,博士,特任研究员、副教授、博士生导师,厦门大学历史与文化遗产学院文物保护科学实验室主任、国家革命文物协同研究中心副主任马克斯普朗克地质人类学研究所、墨尔本大学访问学者;担任国际文物修护学会会士,中国文物保护技术协会理事,全国文物、博物馆专业学位研究生教育指导委员会文物青年工作组成员,国际文物保护核心期刊npj Heritage Science (A&HCI, SCI)、Studies in Conservation (A&HCI, SCI)副主编,Humanities & Social Sciences Communications (SSCI, A&HCI) 、Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry (A&HCI)等编委;担任科技部国家科技专家库专家、国家社科基金专家库专家、福建省文博专家库专家、厦门市科技专家库专家、厦门市文物专家库专家;长期从事文物保护科学研究,入选德国洪堡学者、厦门大学南强青年拔尖人才、福建省级高层次人才、厦门市高层次人才,以第一作者或通讯作者在SSCI、A&HCI、SCI等索引期刊发表论文28篇,主持国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金、国家重点研发计划子课题、教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目和后期资助项目等国家级、省部级科研项目10项,获得市级以上科研奖励4项;指导博士后1人、博士生4人、硕士生16人,指导各类本科生创新项目13项,指导学生获得国家奖学金、厦门大学亚南奖学金、厦门大学三好学生、发现中国李济考古学奖学金等荣誉。多数毕业生任职于海南省文物考古研究院、福建省考古研究院等单位专业技术岗位,以及文物保护相关专业高校专任教师岗位,或进入浙江大学、南京大学、厦门大学等重点高校继续深造。









1 Basic information

Prof. Dr. Zhanyun Zhu, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor


WeChat Official Account:Heritage-Science

2 Comprehensive introduction

Prof. Dr. Zhanyun Zhu is a Professorial Research Fellow, Associate Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Director of Conservation Science Laboratory, and Deputy Director of National Collaborative Research Center for Revolutionary Cultural Heritage at Xiamen University, as well as Visiting Scholar at The University of Melbourne, and The Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology. He also serves as Fellow of the International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, Council Member of China Association for Conservation Technology of Cultural Heritage, Member of the Cultural Heritage Youth Working Group - National Advisory Committee on Cultural Heritage and Museum Graduate Education, Associate Editor of npj Heritage Science (A&HCI, SCI), Studies in Conservation (A&HCI, SCI), Editorial Board Member of Humanities & Social Sciences Communications (SSCI, A&HCI), and Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry (A&HCI) etc., and Expert Referee of Ministry of Science and Technology of China, National Social Science Fund of China, Fujian Provincial Bureau of Cultural Heritage, Xiamen City Bureau of Science and Technology, Xiamen City Bureau of Culture and Tourism etc. He has a major research interest in conservation science, has been awarded Humboldt Research Fellowship by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, selected as Xiamen University Nanqiang Outstanding Young Talent, Fujian Provincial High-level Talent, Xiamen City High-level Talent. He has published 28 papers in peer-reviewed journals indexed in SSCI/A&HCI/SCI etc. as first author or corresponding author. Prof. Zhu has been principal investigator of 10 important research projects at national, provincial or ministerial level, approved by The National Natural Science Foundation of China, The National Social Science Fund of China, Ministry of Education of China, Ministry of Science and Technology of China etc, received 4 research awards at the municipal level or higher. He has been supervising 1 postdoctoral fellow, 4 PhD students, 16 master students, and 13 undergraduate innovative projects, supervised students to obtain honors such as National Scholarship, Xiamen University Yanan Scholarship, Xiamen University Excellent Student Award, and Discovery China Li Ji Archaeology Scholarship. Most graduates have been employed in technical positions at professional institutions such as Hainan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Fujian Provincial Institute of Archaeology, and faculty positions at universities specializing in Conservation, or pursued further studies at prestigious universities such as Zhejiang University, Nanjing University, Xiamen University etc.

3 Recruiting scheme

Excellent young talents with a strong interest in heritage science are cordially welcomed to join our research group (open to candidates from all majors).

Requirements for candidates:

(1) have integrity, optimism, dependability, and a strong interest in scientific research, a clear career plan, good learning and self-driven abilities;

(2) have the ability to propose and resolve research problems, good English competence, strong experimental and data analysis skills;

(3) have a grasp of basics in science and engineering, ethics and principles in cultural heritage conservation, the capability to perform interdisciplinary research;

(4) candidates majored in Chemistry, Materials, Life Science, Medicine, Physics, Environmental Science, Conservation, Archaeology etc. are encouraged.

4 Research fields

Fundamental science and applied technology in conservation, including lacquerwares, polychrome, paper, textiles, and organic residues etc.
