Guest Professor, School of History and Cultural Heritage, Xiamen University
Professor of Sanskrit and Indian Religions, Head of School, Cardiff University
+44 29208 70103
I am fascinated by the history of religions in South Asia. I have written on Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Sikh and Christian traditions in the region. In particular, I am interested in how religious texts, and especially religious stories, are used by South Asians to communicate and negotiate their understanding of themselves and the world around them. This includes not just what we ordinarily associate with religion, such as ideas of god or gods, or the nature of the good life, but also other forms of knowledge, such as the way in which the past is understood, or political life, or language itself.
More generally, I am interested in the role of story in the transmission and adaptation of knowledge in societies worldwide. The stories we tell and, in particular, the stories we choose to tell again and again over thousands of years, are a facinating resource for the exploration of what it means, and has meant, to be human.
I specialise in the historical contextualisation and close reading of Sanskrit texts circulating in early South Asia, such as the Mahābhārata and Rāmāyaṇa, but work also with medieval and modern vernacular South Asian materials in various media.
My major, funded, research projects have been 'The History of Genealogy, the Genealogy of History: family and the construction of the significant past in early South Asia' and 'The Story of Story in South Asia: character and genre across Hindu, Buddhist and Jain tradition'.
·South Asian Religious History
·South Asian Philosophy
·The Sanskrit Language
·Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism
·Orientalism and the Making of World Religions in Modern South Asia
·The Origins and Legacies of Religion in the Modern World
·Themes and Issues in the Study of Religion
·Hegarty, J. M. 2023. The predicament of the Sant-Sipahi (Saint-Soldier): Sanctioned violence and martyrdom in the Sikh tradition. In: Power, M. and Paynter, H. eds. Violence and Peace in Sacred Texts. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 209-235., (10.1007/978-3-031-17804-7_11)
·Hegarty, J. 2022. Public reason and morality in the Sanskrit Mahābhārata: Some moral tasting notes on the Udyogaparvan of the Mahābhārata. In: Balkaran, R. and Taylor, M. eds. Visions and Revisions of Ancient Indian Narrative: Studies in the Sanskrit Epics and Puranas. Australian National University Press
·Hegarty, J. 2020. Lineages and emerging exemplars and movements in ancient India. In: Whitaker, J. ed. A Cultural History of Hinduism in Antiquity. Bloomsbury
·Hegarty, J. 2020. The predicament of the Sant-Sipahi (Saint-Soldier): theorising violence in the Sikh tradition. In: Power, M. and Paynter, H. eds. Violence and Peace in Sacred Texts. Palgrave Macmillan
·Hegarty, J. and Brahmasetudas, S. 2019. The teacher in the text: exploring the intertextuality of the Vacanāmṛta. Journal of the BAPS Swaminarayan Research Institute 2(1), pp. 25-51.
·Hegarty, J. 2019. Models of royal piety in the Mahābhārata: the case of Vidura, Sanatsujāta and Vidurā. In: Black, B. and Chakravarthi, R. eds. In Dialogue with Classical Indian Traditions: Encounter, Transformation and Interpretation. London, England: Taylor and Francis, (10.4324/9781351011136-13)
·Hegarty, J. M. 2018. Across the Indian Ocean: Reconsidering Christianity in South Asia to the Ninth Century. In: Lossl, J. and Baker-Brian, N. J. eds. A Companion to Religion in Late Antiquity. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World Chichester: Wiley, pp. 207-231., (10.1002/9781118968130.ch10)
·Hegarty, J. 2018. The Dhammapada, the Mahābhārata and the Mānava Dharmaśāstra: a study in early South Asian intertextuality. Presented at: 15th World Sanskrit Conference, 5-10 January 2012 Presented at Brodbeck, S., Bowles, A. and Hiltebeitel, A. eds.The Churning of the Epics and Puranas: Proceedings of the Epics and Puranas Section at the 15th World Sanskrit Conference. Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan and D.K. Printworld pp. 209-239.
·Hegarty, J. 2018. 史诗化叙事:南亚宗教文献中的天堂和地狱 Chinese translation of 'epics' of heaven and hell in Early South Asia. 民间文化论坛 - Folk Culture Forum(4), pp. 88-92. (10.16814/j.cnki.1008-7214.2018.04.012)
·Hegarty, J. 2017. Hagiography, religious identity and historical imagination in Eighteenth Century Punjab: exploring Sikh narratives of the life of Guru Nānak. In: Gray, M. ed. Rewriting Holiness: Reconfiguring Vitae, Re-signifying Cults. King's College London Medieval Studies Boydell and Brewer
·Hegarty, J. M. and Brodbeck, S. 2017. An appreciation of, and tribute to, Will Johnson on the occasion of his retirement. Asian Literature and Translation 4(1), pp. 1-32. (10.18573/j.2017.10128)
·Hegarty, J. 2017. The sanskrit of Solomon Caesar Malan (1812-1894): An Anglican savant reads the Mahābhārata. In: Pfister, L. ed. Polyglot from the Far Side of the Moon: The Life and Works of Solomon Caesar Malan. Monumenta Serica
·Hegarty, J. 2017. The story of story in early South Asia: character and genre across Hindu, Buddhist and Jain narrative traditions. [Online]. Wordpress: Wordpress. Available at: https://storyofstoryinsouthasia.wordpress.com/
·Hegarty, J. 2017. Exploring the conversations of kings and sages in the sanskrit epics: the case of Jābāli and Rāma. In: Proceedings of the Epic Studies Panel of the 16th World Sanskrit Conference, Bangkok. Sanskrit Studies Centre, Silpakorn University, Bangkok
·Hegarty, J. 2017. Multiple religious belonging and embedded religion in early Indian sources. In: Babu, K. ed. Beyond Multiple Religious Belonging. Routledge
·Hegarty, J. 2014. Borders and boundaries: proceedings of the first annual SHARE postgraduate symposium; an introduction. SHARE: Studies in History, Archaeology, Religion and Conservation 1(1), pp. 1-3. (10.18573/share.1)
·Hegarty, J. 2014. Going nowhere: power and polemic in Brahminical pilgrimage literature. In: Cuppers, C. and Deeg, M. eds. Searching for the Dharma, Finding Salvation - Buddhist Pilgrimage in Time and Space: proceedings of the workshop "Buddhist Pilgrimage in History and Present Times" at the Lumbini International Research Institute (LIRI), Lumbini, 11-13 January 2010., Vol. 5. LIRI seminar proceedings series Lumbini International Research Institute
·Hegarty, J. 2013. The Plurality of the Sanskrit Mahabharata and of the Mahabharata Story. In: Contesting Symbols and Stereotypes. Aakar Books, pp. 146-189.
·Hegarty, J. M. 2012. Religon, narrative and public imagination in South Asia: past and place in the Sanskrit Mahahbharata. London: Routledge.
·Brodbeck, S. P. and Hegarty, J. M. 2012. Genealogy and history in South Asia (Religions of South Asia, special issue): introduction. Religions of South Asia 5(1-2), pp. 5-28. (10.1558/rosa.v5i1/2.5)
·Hegarty, J. M. 2012. What need has he of the waters of Puskara? The narrative construction of tirtha in the Sanskrit Mahabharata. In: Brockington, J. ed. Battles, Bards and Brahmins. Motilal Barnarsidass, pp. 129-156.
·Hegarty, J. M. 2011. Towards a socio-cognitive orientation to religious text: a case study in Indian epic literature. In: Jensen, J. S. and Geertz, A. W. eds. Religious Narrative, Cognition and Clture: Image and Word in the Mind of Narrative. Sheffield: Equinox, pp. 121-131.
·Hegarty, J. M. 2011. Religion, narrative and public imagination in South Asia: Past and place in the Sanskrit Mahabharata. Routledge Hindu Studies Series. London: Taylor and Francis.
·Hegarty, J. M. 2011. Etymology, genealogy and history in Early South Asia. Religions of South Asia 5(1/2), pp. 103-127.
·Hegarty, J. 2011. Kirthan and Katha in the asa amdesa (song and story in the land of hope and fear): Narratives of the life of Guru Nanak as canonical commentary in the Sikh panth. In: Deeg, M. and Freiberger, O. eds. Kanonisierung und Kanonbildung in der asiatischen Religionsgeschichte. Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp. 131-160.
·Hegarty, J. M. 2011. Hagiography and the religious imaginary in eighteenth-century Punjab. In: Murphy, A. ed. Time, History and the Religious Imaginary in South Asia. Routledge, pp. 133-150.
·Hegarty, J. M. 2010. The pedagogic past: historical and geographical imagination in Eighteenth Century Panjab. In: Deeg, M. and Freiberger, O. eds. Geschicten und Geschichte: Historiographie und Hagiographie in der asiatischen Religionsgeschichte. Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet, pp. 517-548.
·Hegarty, J. M. 2009. Re-thinking the guru: Towards a typology of forms of religious domination in pre-Colonial Pañjāb. Religions of South Asia 3(2), pp. 183-202. (10.1558/rosa.v3i2.183)
·Hegarty, J. M. 2009. On platial imagination in the Sanskrit Mahabharata. International Journal of Hindu Studies 13(2), pp. 163-187. (10.1007/s11407-009-9074-3)
·Hegarty, J. M. 2009. Re-thinking the guru: towards a typology of forms of religious domination in pre-Colonial Punjab. Religions of South Asia 3(2), pp. 179-199.
·Hegarty, J. M. 2007. Encompassing the sacrifice: On the narrative construction of the significant past in the Sanskrit Mahabharata. Acta Orientalia Vilnensia 8, pp. 77-118.
·Hegarty, J. M. 2007. Guru and Shabad: The Literary Construction of Religious Authority in Narratives of the Life of Guru Nanak. Discussion Paper. Cardiff University: Cardiff Humanities Research Institute. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/chri/researchpapers/humanities/papers1-10/Paper1.html
·Hegarty, J. M. 2007. Toward an old understanding of philology: exploring the literary construction of place as religious and social commentary in Asia. Acta Orientalia Vilnensia 8(1), article number: 3753.
·Hegarty, J. M. ed. 2007. The literary construction of place as a form of religious and social commentary: Special Issue of "Acta Orientalia Vilnensia" (2007) 8:1. Vilnius: Centre of Oriental Studies, Vilnius University.
·Hegarty, J. M. 2007. Religion, epic and cultural memory. The construction of the significant past in Sanskrit and Hindi Mahabharatas. Zeitschrift fur Religionswissenschaft 15(2), pp. 179-199. (10.1515/zfr.2007.15.2.179)
·Hegarty, J. M. 2006. Extracting the Katha-amrta (Elixir of Story): Creation, Ritual, Sovereignty and Textual Structure in the Sanskrit Mahabharata. Journal of Vaishnava Studies 14(2), pp. 39-60.
·Hegarty, J. M. 2001. An Apprenticeship in Attentiveness: Narrative Patterning in the Dyutaparvan and the Nalopakhyana of the Mahabharata. Rocznik Orientalistyczny 54(1), pp. 33-62.